All new accounts start off on a free 30 day trial with 15 free invoices. You can upgrade to one of our plans anytime. Or if you’re already on a subscription but you’d like to manage your plan, you can do this anytime during your subscription period.
Upgrade Account
Upgrade your Facturama account anytime with these steps:
- In your Facturama account, click on the shopping cart icon in the top right corner
- If needed, click on a different subtab to purchase other add-ons
- Click on the Buy button under the plan
- Choose your Payment Type, Invoice Usage and enter your Email for the payment receipt
- Next, click on either Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Convenience Store, or Oxxo Pay
- For Credit Card, fill out your Credit Card Number, Cardholder Name, Expiry Date and Security Code (CVV), then click on the Checkout button
- For Wire Transfer, Convenience Store and Oxxo Pay, click on the Generate Receipt button
Complete the rest of the instructions from your receipt.
View Plan Details
Your plan can be viewed anytime by clicking on the down arrow in the top right corner of your account. This will list your account, plan name, and expiration dates for each plan and add-on.
Can I use multiple RFCs in the same account?
A RFC (Federal Taxpayer Registry) can only be used one at a time in each Facturama account. If you have multiple RFCs, you will need to register for separate Facturama accounts for each.